Rider Perks: Green Daffodil


Say hello to our newest Rider Perk Partner, Green Daffodil! Located in Ferndale, right across from the Livernois and Ferndale Project station, Green Daffodil is the best place to get soy candles, lotion, lip-balm, bar soap, liquid soaps, and plenty more – all handmade! With kitchenware, books, cards, jewelry, and even more than that, Green Daffodil is Ferndale’s one-stop gift shop of unique items.


“Taking a peek at us outside of Green Daffodil brings you to the core of where we stand in our part of the world. Anne is a dog loving, garden growing, house restoring, vintage loving, cocktail loving kind-of person. While Siouxsan is a cat loving, vintage loving, garden growing, travel loving, cocktail loving artist! And we both have major sweet tooths…we will work for cookies!”


MoGo riders can show their MoGo card, key fob, Transit app, or receipt to receive a 10% discount off at Green Daffodil.


Website | Facebook | Instagram

Green Daffodil

Closest Station: Livernois and Ferndale Project

624 Livernois St Suite 400, Ferndale, MI 48220



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