Station Announcement: New Station at Rosa Parks & Michigan!


Station Announcement: Rosa Parks Boulevard & Michigan Avenue










MoGo is excited to announce that a new bike share station is being installed at Rosa Parks Blvd. and Michigan Ave. Provided by generous support from the Ford Motor Company, the station is adjacent to The Factory, which is home to Ford’s autonomous vehicle and electric vehicle business and strategy teams.










This station is MoGo’s first “light” station, which operates without a payment kiosk. To access a bike at a light station, riders can download the Transit app to purchase a Daily pass or get a code to unlock a bike. Current members also can insert their key card or fob at any docking point to unlock a bike. The addition of this station brings MoGo’s total system size to 44 stations.

This newest station will help provide another connection point to Corktown, Downtown, and West Riverfront Park. As always, be sure to check the MoGo system map and Transit app for up-to-date station information.


Happy riding!


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